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We have a growing collection of midwifery, doula, and childbirth educator documents to help your practice run more smoothly. Please check back often – watch us grow!
The three steps in the Birth Social Program include:
- Purchasing the book The Birth Social Program: Sustainable Manual for Midwives.
- Purchasing Your Birth Journey: A Holistic Guide for Pregnancy.
- Purchasing the Birth Social Bundled Documents
Supporting documents for the Birth Social Model of Care makes group care work. When you purchase the bundle, they are instantly available as a ZIP file for download. Here is what you will receive.
1. Client Chart Documents
Client charts are the centerpiece for the Birth Social Model of Care. You will receive, high-quality PDF files for printing.
- Prenatal Self-Care Form
- Prenatal Checklist
- Prenatal Record
- Postpartum Visit
- 6-Week Postpartum Visit
2. Informed Consent in the Group
Because a parent is reading the information in Your Birth Journey relevant to a decision, informed consent is a different beast. The following informed consent topics are presented in a group setting. You will receive, high-quality PDF files for printing.
- 20-Week Anatomy Scan Consent/Refusal
- Second Trimester Lab and Gestational Diabetes Consent/Refusal
- GBS Consent/Refusal
- Vitamin K Consent/Refusal
- Newborn Screening Choices and Consent/Refusal
- Newborn Eye Prophylaxis Consent/Refusal
- Transport Form
- Support Form
3. Informed Consents General
Throughout Your Birth Journey, parents are presented with material to make decision on. You will receive, high-quality PDF files for printing.
- Initial Lab Consents
- Early Ultrasound
- Genetic Screen
- RhoGam
- Premature Rupture of Membranes
- Postterm
4. Message Template Documents
Message Templates are messages sent out or made available to your clients that correlate with the topics in Your Birth Journey. They include reminders, links, and extra helpful info that is not included or fully explained in Your Birth Journey. You will receive 15 message templates to use in your practice, each correlating to a specific week in gestation. Providing documents in Word allows you to edit the material to fit your practice needs, without having to start from scratch!
5. Initial Visit Documents
“Initial Visit Documents” include relevant information to the Birth Social program. You will receive 9 documents that you can use in your practice.- Confidentiality in Group
- Fragrance Handout
- Fragrance Support
- Group Care Basics
- Group Schedule
- Informed Consent Schedule
- Policies on Children in Group
- Photo Release
- Parent Timeline
6. Client Concerns
We have all been there – answering questions or getting a document together for a mother who needs it NOW. The client concern documents are fully editable in Word and include seven email messages you can send to your client, including:
- Birth Certificate Information
- Breech Baby
- Posterior Baby
- Getting Enough Calories
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Blood Volume
- Postpartum Resources
7. Client Permissions
Here is the thing about client permissions, mothers need them – now. It is rare that a mother asks for a letter of permission to travel or a jury letter weeks in advance.
Over 20 client permissions are included in the bundle, ranging from permission for dentists, sitting jury duty, FLMA, travel, and more, Each document is provided in Word with a letterhead option at the top. The permissions are totally customizable.
8. Group Prenatal Care Outlines
Outlines are a "must-have" for conducting group prenatal care. The outlines are provided in Word so that you can revise them to fit your practice needs.
Please note that all Birth Social documents are for personal use. You may print and use the documents for yourself/your business as many times as you would like. However, the © copyrighted document, images, templates, and/or description MAY NOT be resold in any way.
Returns, CancellationsI do not accept returns or cancellations on any part of the Birth Social Sustainable Midwifery Program. However, if there is any issue with downloading any of the items, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help you!
The information and illustrations may be updated and revised at any time.