The Rebozo: A Must Have for Pregnancy and Labor


A rebozo is a colorful shawl traditionally used in indigenous Mexican culture as a wrap to carry babies, cover heads, drape shoulders, and – for pregnancy and birth. Simply, a rebozo is a 6-9 foot-long cloth miracle worker. Why? Because it helps during pregnancy with a mother’s comfort and the baby’s position. During labor, it does the same and more.

Purchasing a Rebozo

You can purchase a Rebozo on Amazon or from a specialty site that focuses on Rebozo support. There are many sites that offer beautiful Rebozo options. Sources include:


Once your receive your beautiful Rebozo, you need 1) a birth partner and 2) you need to practice. Waiting to “need” a Rebozo during labor would be like waiting to practice relaxation techniques or preparation for childbirth. This is something you DO during pregnancy in preparation for the birth of your child. Plus, if your partner or another person is helping, they can jump right in.

Rebozo Sifting

Rebozo sifting, also known as ‘Rebozo Manteada,’ has been described as pelvic massage, rocking, and jiggling. Sifting refers to the shake and jiggle that the Rebozo provides. It is thought to help the muscles relax around the pelvis, which may help the baby get into a more optimal position for labor and birth.    

During pregnancy, you can practice the sifting technique with your partner. During early or prodromal labor, your partner, doula, friend, or sometimes the midwife can provide this for you. Practice this at home with your partner every day or several times a week, starting in the third trimester or earlier!

There are a variety of techniques that can be used – with the mother standing, leaning, or kneeling. During labor, sifting is more comfortable for women between contractions – it should feel good!

Shake the Apple Tree

One way to loosen the muscles and ligaments surrounding the pelvis is to “shake the apple tree.” According to Ina May Gaskins, the creator of this method, shaking the apples helps the mother to relax. 

Shaking the apple tree is a brisk motion. The rebozo is placed across the bottom with the mother on all fours. Be sure to have good tension to cause the butt to “wobble” rather than a “sawing” motion that drags across the flesh – then briskly and gently shake. Shaking the apple tree is an excellent method if you have an anterior placenta.


Standing with your feet hip-width apart, lean your upper body against a wall. The rebozo is wrapped around your hips from below your bra line to below your bottom and gently sifted from side to side to provide a slow, rhythmic motion of the pelvis. You can also try this when sitting on a chair or couch.

Belly Sifting

When the rebozo is placed around your belly, there are a variety of positions to choose from. You can be on your hands and knees or leaning over a birth ball, chair, or couch. Belly sifting can also be done in a standing position by bracing yourself using a table, counter, the back of a chair. Your partner will wrap the Rebozo around your abdomen so that it covers you from the top to the bottom of your belly.

  1. Choose a comfortable position. 
  2. Have your partner stand over or behind you, balanced in a comfortable position.
  3. Your partner lifts up on your belly, enough to lift the weight of the womb.
  4. With the ends of the Rebozo in each hand, your partner will begin sifting your abdomen – making slow, gentle swaying movements from side to side. The movement should not be vigorous or abrupt. If it is not relaxing, slow the pressure and speed. It should feel good!
  5. Give your partner feedback. If it is not relaxing, have your partner adjust the pressure and speed.


  • Don’t use this method if you have an anterior placenta.
  • Do not sift during the first trimester.
  • Always use gentle motions.
  • Do not do it if there has been any bleeding from the vagina or placenta.

The Rebozo Hip Squeeze

During pregnancy, the extra relaxin hormone coursing through your body can make you feel unsteady and leave your hips sore and tired. The rebozo can be a helpful tool for stabilizing your hips and relieving discomfort during pregnancy and even during labor. The “squeeze” from the rebozo will help you feel more supported. You can use a rebozo, or you can use about three yards of muslin that is 24 to 30 inches wide. 

Find the center marker of your wrap and place it at the center of your pubic bone. Take the ends toward your back so that the fabric is placed across your hips just under the tops of your hip bones. Bring tails around back – across your sacrum – and cross once. Pull and tighten like crazy (or have someone do this for you), then cross again and tighten one more time. Once you’re satisfied with the tightness, bring the tails around to the front and tie securely.

The hip squeeze is a great way to keep your hips from getting fatigued when you go for a walk or hike, are shopping all day, or when you are doing household chores. You can also use a pregnancy support belt for this. Pregnancy support belts and bands are made of synthetic material that wrap around your lower back and abdomen and help ease pressure on your back and pelvis.  

Spinning Babies

There are countless sites online that offer advice on Rebozos. They are fun to read and offer a wealth of information. Spinning Babies® is a perfect place to learn more.

I'm Carolyn
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I'm Carolyn

I'm the founder and writer behind Birth Work Designs, a site for mothers seeking guidance on the power of birth and birth workers navigating the professional landscape.

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